Curriculum Content for Grade 1

The exercises for math curriculum for primary grade 1 will be based on the following sections:

A. Count to 10

  1. Count balls that are in a row
  2. Recognize the numbers
  3. Count balls that are not in a row
  4. Fill in numbers that are in a row
  5. Fill in numbers that are in a row in descending order
  6. Count balls that are in columns
  7. Count red and green balls
  8. Count stripe

B. Compare numbers – up to 10

  1. Compare numbers using balls. The concept of greater
  2. Compare numbers using balls. The concept of smaller
  3. Comparre numbers. The concept of greater
  4. Comparre numbers. The concept of smaller
  5. Ascending order
  6. Descending order
  7. Add or Subtract number 1
  8. Add or Subtract number 1 using balloons

C. Ordinal numbers – up to 10

  1. Ordinal numbers
  2. Find the position place in a row
  3. Correspondence between Numbers and Ordinal Numbers
  4. Ordinal Numbers – The position before and after a number

D. Addition – up to 10

  1. Add balls – up to 5
  2. Add balls using an equation
  3. Problems of adding two numbers
  4. Problems of adding two numbers using an equation
  5. Add two dice
  6. Horizontal sum of two numbers
  7. Add a number to complete another number
  8. Problems of adding two numbers using an equation
  9. Problems of adding two numbers
  10. Add the number zero
  11. Add three dice
  12. Horizontal sum of three numbers
  13. Add 1 or 2 to a number
  14. Problems adding three numbers

E. The Subtraction operation – up to 10

  1. Subtraction using balls
  2. Subtraction using balls and filling in an equation
  3. Difference between two groups of balls
  4. Difference between two groups of balls – using equation
  5. Calculate the number of balls to complete a group of balls
  6. Calculate the number of balls to complete a group of balls – using equation
  7. Subtraction problem – introducing an equation
  8. Add a number to complete another number
  9. Calculate the difference between several groups of balls
  10. Horizontal and vertical subtraction practice
  11. Find the number to add to another number to get a certain number
  12. Subtract one number from another number to get a certain number
  13. Find the number to subtract from another number to get a certain number
  14. Adding and subtracting problem

F. Commutative Property of Addition

  1. Verification of the Commutative properety of Adition
  2. Verify the Commutative properety of Addition in an equality
  3. Use the Commutative property of Addition to complete an equation with a number

G. Addition and Subtraction Problems – up to 10

  1. Adding and subtracting problems
  2. Find the addend if we know the sum and the other addend
  3. Find the minuend if you know the difference and the subtrahend
  4. A problem that involves Adding and then Subtracting
  5. A problem that involves Subtracting and then Adding
  6. Fill in an equation that contains an addition
  7. Fill in an equation containing a subtraction
  8. Ball distribution problem between two friends so that one has more than the other
  9. Distinguish between addition and subtraction
  10. Find the number that is between one number and another number that is represented by a difference
  11. Find the number that is between two numbers that are represented by a sum or a difference
  12. Calculate the value of two unknowns that meet two equations – subtraction and addition are used
  13. Calculate the value of three unknowns that meet three equations – addition is used

H. Numbers up to 20

  1. Count balls from 11 to 20
  2. Recognize numbers up to 20
  3. Add a number to number 10
  4. Find the number added to 10 to get a certain number
  5. Fill in numbers that are in a row
  6. Fill in numbers that are in a row in descenting order
  7. Problems – comparing numbers – the concept of more
  8. Problems – comparing numbers – the concept of less
  9. Find the number of balls a child has
  10. Find which child has more (or less) balls
  11. Find the position of a number in an ordered list
  12. Find the greater of two numbers
  13. Find the smaller between two numbers
  14. Ascending order
  15. Descending order
  16. Add or subtract the number 1
  17. Problem: finding a number that is 1 more or 1 less than another number

I. Numbers up to 100

  1. Units and Tens
  2. Units to Tens Correspondence
  3. Correspondence of Tens to Units
  4. Tens names
  5. Numbers up to 100 – using balls
  6. Names of the numbers from 21 to 99
  7. The digit of Tens and the digit of Units

J. Compare numbers – up to 100

  1. Find the greater of 2 numbers
  2. Find the smaller of 2 numbers
  3. Put 3 numbers in ascending order
  4. Put 3 numbers in descending order
  5. Find the smallest and largest number in a group of 5 numbers
  6. Find the ancestor of a number
  7. Find the successor of a number
  8. Find the number that is between 2 other numbers
  9. Find the expression that represents the greater number
  10. Find the expression that represents the smaller number
  11. Find the ancestor number of an expression
  12. Find the successor number of an expression

K. Patterns – up to 100

  1. Count one by one
  2. Complete 3 numbers in a sequence
  3. Complete 5 numbers in a sequence
  4. Count 10 by 10
  5. Double pattern – exercise_1
  6. Double pattern – exercise_2
  7. Multiple pattern

L. Multiplication and Division

  1. Definition of Multiplication using balls
  2. Multiplication as Repetitive Addition
  3. Practice Multiplication using rows of balls
  4. Practice Multiplication using equation
  5. The Commutative property of Multiplication
  6. Distinguish between addition and multiplication
  7. Definition of Division
  8. Distinguish between Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
  9. Problems that involves Multiplication and then Subtraction
  10. Problems that involves Division and then Addition
  11. Riddle with multiplication and then subtraction
  12. Riddle with division and then addition

M. Division of geometric figures in 2 equal parts – Fractions

  1. Determine if a geometric figure is divided into equal parts
  2. Division of geometric figures in equal parts
  3. Divide a rectangle into equal parts
  4. Divide a circle into equal parts
  5. Fractions with numerator the number 1 – rectangle fractions
  6. Fractions with numerator the number 1 – circle fractions
  7. Representation of fractions with numerator equal to 1
  8. Representation of fractions using geometric figures
  9. Estimate how full a vazo is

N. Addition – up to 20

  1. A_N_01_00_01_Complete the ten using balls
  2. Complete the ten using equation
  3. Add within ten
  4. Add a number to number 10
  5. Add by passing the ten using balls
  6. Add by passing the ten using a scheme to complete the ten
  7. Add by passing the ten by first completing the ten
  8. Adding past ten – practice
  9. Find one addend if the sum and the other addend are known
  10. Add 3 numbers
  11. Find the addend if the sum and the other two addends (that are adjacent) are known
  12. Find the addend if the sum and the other two addends (that are not adjacent) are known
  13. Add 2 equal (double) numbers
  14. Finding double numbers that have a certain sum
  15. Add almost doubles (doubles plus 1)
  16. Add doubles plus 2
  17. Add 2 numbers vertically
  18. Add 3 numbers vertically

O. Addition Practice

  1. Add number 1
  2. Add number 2
  3. Add number 3
  4. Add number 4
  5. Add number 5
  6. Add number 6
  7. Add number 7
  8. Add number 8
  9. Add number 9

P. Subtraction – up to 20

  1. Subtract within ten
  2. Subtract by removing balls and passing the ten
  3. Subtract by passing the ten using a scheme
  4. Subtract by passing the ten using a scheme and completing an equation
  5. Subtract by passing the ten and hitting balls
  6. Subtract by passing the ten daching balls and completing an equation
  7. Subtract passing the ten
  8. Find the subtrahend if you know the minuend and the difference
  9. Find the minuend if you know the subtrahend and the difference

Q. Subtraction Practice

  1. Subtract number 1
  2. Subtract number 2
  3. Subtract number 3
  4. Subtract number 4
  5. Subtract number 5
  6. Subtract number 6
  7. Subtract number 7
  8. Subtract number 8
  9. Subtract number 9

R. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division with numbers from 0 to 20

  1. Add vertically
  2. Subtract vertically
  3. Addition and Subtraction are opposite operations
  4. Multiplication and Division are opposite operations
  5. Multiplication and Subtraction Problems
  6. Division and then Addition Problems
  7. Guess a number using Multiplication and Subtraction
  8. Guess a number using Division and Addition
  9. Patterns using addition
  10. Patterns using subtraction
  11. Completing patterns with numbers in a series
  12. Multiplication as repetitive sum
  13. Find numbers corresponding to figures that satisfy certain equations
  14. Finding numbers in a magic triangle

S. Addition and Subtraction – up to 100

  1. Add tens
  2. Subtract tens
  3. Distinguish between addition and subtraction of tens
  4. Find numbers corresponding to figures that satisfy certain equations – Part_1
  5. Find numbers corresponding to figures that satisfy certain equations – Part_2
  6. Adding without passing the ten
  7. Subtracting without passing the ten
  8. Fill in with numbers that are in a row
  9. Problem using a scale
  10. Solve an equation that simulates the two sums on a scale
  11. Solve an equation that simulates the two differences on a scale
  12. Solve an equation containing a sum of three numbers
  13. Solve an equation containing two subtractions
  14. Finding a number that is greater than another number in a certain number of units
  15. Finding a number that is less than another number in a certain number of units