Curriculum Content for Grade 2
The exercises for grade 2 will be based on the following sections:
A. Adding and Subtracting up to 40
- Review – Addition using doubles
- Review – Subtraction using doubles
- Add passing the ten by first completing the ten
- Subtract by passing the ten using a scheme and completing an equation
- Review – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Determine if the operation is addition or subtraction – up to 20
- Distinguish between multiplication and division
- Add (from 10 to 30) passing the ten
- Add (from 20 to 40) passing the ten
- Subtract (from 10 to 30) passing the ten
- Subtract (from 20 to 40) passing the ten
- Add (from 0 to 40) passing the ten
- Subtract (from 0 to 40) passing the ten
- Addition and subtraction are opposite operations
- Adding pattern
- Finding the position of a person in a row
B. Compare numbers – up to 40
- Compare numbers
- Compare numbers using the < and > symbols
- Compare expressions containing sum
- Compare expressions containing subtraction
- Compare a sum that contains the number 10, with a difference that contains the number 20
- Compare expressions containing addition and subtraction
C. Multiplication – up to 40
- Multiplication is repetitive addition – up to 20
- Multiplication is repetitive addition – up to 40
- Multiplication is commutative
- Patterns with multiples
- Patterns in the form of associating numbers with their multiples
D. The Division operation – up to 40
- Division by 2
- Division by 3
- A Division problem: Sharing marbles among friends
- A Division problem: Distribute balls between boxes
- Multiplication and Division are opposite operations
- Distinguish between Multiplication and Division
- Distinguish between Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Calculate the points of a team in a championship
- Arithmetic expression with a product and a sum
- Arithmetic expression with two products and a sum
- Find the arithmetic values that correspond to figures that satisfy certain equations
E. Numbers up to 100
- Add tens using balls
- Subtract tens using ball
- Subtracting tens using balls and completing an equation
- Form a number if you know the digit of tens and the digit of units
- Break a number down into tens and ones
- The digit of units and the number of tens
- The place value of the digits
- Adding tens horizontally
- Adding tens vertically
- Subtracting tens horizontally
- Subtracting tens vertically
- Complete an equation containing sum of tens
- Add tens and units
- Complete an equation containing a sum of tens and units
- Complete an equation that contains a subtraction where the difference is a multiple of 10
- Subtract from a multiple of 10 a one digit number
- Find the values represented by figures which satisfy certain equations
F. Multiples of 2
- Multiples of 2 using balls
- In a sequence of multiples of 2, find the number with a certain position in the sequence
- In a sequence of multiples of 2, find the position of a number
- Even numbers
- Odd numbers
- Find the even number that follows a certain number
- Find the odd number that follows a certain number
- Find the even numbers between 2 numbers
- Find the odd numbers between 2 numbers
- Decide whether the number of balls is odd or even – part_1
- Decide whether the number of balls is odd or even – part_2
- Recognize even numbers
- Recognize odd numbers
- Finding double a number
- Find half a number
- Find a number if you know its half
- A problem of multiples of 2
- Find half a number using shapes
- Find the values represented by figures which satisfy certain equations
- Find two consecutive numbers that have a certain sum
G. Multiples of 5
- Multiples of 5 using balls
- Complete an equation to calculate multiples of 5
- In a sequence of multiples of 5, find a number whose position is known
- In a sequence of multiples of 5, find the position of a certain number
- Find the multiple of 5 that follows a certain number
- Find the fivefold of a number
- Find the fifth of a number
- Find a number whose fifth part is known
H. Multiples of 10
- Multiples of 10 using balls
- Multiplication and Division with Tens – Part_1
- Multiplication and Division with Tens – Part_2
- Multiplication and Division with Tens – Part_3
- Find the multiple of 10 that follows a certain number
- Find the tenfold of a number
- Find the tenth of a number
- Find a number whose tenth is known
I. Multiples of 2, 5 and 10
- Multiplication and Division with multiples of 2, 5 and 10
- Patterns for multiples of 2, 5 and 10
- Find the greatest odd number that is less than a certain number
- Find the least odd number that is greater than a certain number
- Find the arithmetic values that correspond to figures that satisfy certain equations – Part_1
- Find the arithmetic values that correspond to figures that satisfy certain equations using operations with tens – Part_2
- Problems involving multiplication and then subtraction using tens
- Problems involving division and then addition using tens
- Count 2 by 2, 5 by 5 and 10 by 10
- Count 5 by 5 starting from a certain number
J. Addition up to 100
- Add a 2-digit number to another 1-digit number without going over ten
- In an addition, find the second addend if the sum and the first addend are known (without passing the ten)
- Find the sum of a 2-digit number and a multiple of 1
- Find a number that is greater than another in a certain number of tens
- Add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number by completing and then passing the ten
- Add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number going over ten
- If you know the first 2-digit addend and the sum, find the second 1_digit addend (passing the ten)
- Vertically add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number going over ten
- Add by passing the ten using numbers from 20 to 90 (using balls)
- Complete tens with numbers up to 100
- Add a 1-digit number to another 2-digit number to get a multiple of 10
- Use 2 intermediate steps to add 2 numbers of 2 digits each without the need to carry
- Use 1 intermediate step to add 2 numbers of 2 digits each without the need to carry
- Add 2 numbers of 2 digits each without the need to carry
- Vertically add 2 numbers of 2 digits each without carrying
- Vertically add 3 numbers without carrying
- Use 2 intermediate steps to add 2 2-digit numbers with the need to carry
- Use 1 intermediate step to add 2 2-digit numbers with the need to carry
- Add two 2-digit numbers with the need to carry
- Vertically add two 2_digit numbers with need to carry
- Vertically add two 2_digit numbers by writing the carry
K. Addition Properties
- Find a sum if you know a similar one
- Perform Addition by first completing the ten
- Add 3 numbers by first adding the 2 that complete ten
- Add 4 numbers by first adding the numbers that complete ten
- Decide whether an equality is valid or not
- An addition pattern
L. Subtraction up to 100
- Subtract a 1_digit number from a 2_digit number another without going over ten
- Find the subtrahend if the difference and the minuend (a 2_digit number) are known
- Find the difference of a 2_digit number and a multiple of 1
- Find a number that is less than another in a certain number of tens
- Subtract the 1_digit subtrahend from the 2_digit minuend by appropriately decomposing the subtrahend into two numbers
- Subtract from a 2_digit number another 1_digit number going over ten
- Find the subtrahend if you know the minuend and the difference
- Using vertical subtraction, subtract from a 2_digit number another 1_digit number going over ten
- Using balls, make subtractions by passing the ten (with numbers from 20 to 90)
- Find the 1_digit number to subtract from a multiple of 10 to get a certain number
- Subtracting a 1_digit number from a multiple of 10
- Use 2 intermediate steps to subtract a 2_digit number from a 2_digit number
- Use 1 intermediate step to subtract a 2_digit number from a 2_digit number
- Subtract the number 9 from a 2-digit number
- Subtract vertically from a 2_digit number another 2_digit number without borrowing
- Subtract vertically from a 2_digit number another 2_digit number (with or without borrowing)
M. Subtraction Properties
- Find the difference of 2 numbers if you know the difference of 2 other similar numbers
- A subtraction pattern
- Decide whether an expression is greater than another one
- Decide whether an expression is less than another one
- Decide whether an equality is valid or not
- In the score of a basketball game, find the digit of the units
- In the score of a basketball game, find the digit of the tens
N. Multiples of 3
- Multiples of 3 using balls
- Count groups of 3 to find multiples of 3
- Find a number in a sequence of multiples of 3, if you know its a position
- Find the position of a number in a sequence of multiples of 3
- Find the multiple of 3 that follows a certain number
- Find the triple of a number
- Find the third part of a number
- Find a number if you know the third part of it
- Find the third part of a number using figures
O. The numbers up to 1000
- Hundreds
- Pattern with hundreds that are in series
- Correspondence of Units to Hundreds
- Correspondence of Hundreds to Units
- Hundreds names
- Names of multiples of 1 greater than 100
- Number names from 100 to 999
- The digits of hundreds, tens and units
- The numbers from 100 to 399 represented by balls
- Representation of a number with units, tens and hundreds
- Find the place value of a certain digit in a number
- Find the place value of the units digit
- Find the place value of the tens digit
- Find the place value of the hundreds digit
- Fill in the missing units, tens or hundreds to represent a number between 100 and 999
- Find a number from its representation with units, tens and hundreds
- Fill in a series of numbers that are in ascending order
- Fill in a series of numbers that are in descending order
P. Number comparison – up to 1000
- Find the number between two numbers
- Put 3 numbers in ascending order
- Put 3 numbers in descending order
- Find the smallest and largest in a group of 5 numbers
- Find a number that is between 2 other numbers
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